
Aerolase® NeoSkin for Melasma & Hyperpigmentation

Get rid of surface-level melasma treatments and opt for Aerolase 650 Microsecond Technology® to destroy deep-seated pigmentation for more effective and promising results. Unmask your face and treat melasma at its root.

why Aerolase® for melasma / hyperpigmentation and how does it work?

NeoSkin by Aerolase® Melasma and Hyperpigmentation

NeoSkin by Aerolase® offers a comprehensive solution for those seeking to clear their melasma and hyperpigmentation, regardless of skin type. Melasma is a complex condition that can involve several factors including epidermal and dermal melanin, inflammation, and vasculature. It often requires a multifaceted treatment approach to achieve clearance and prevent recurrence.

Aerolase Neo’s innovative technology addresses each of these factors, making it a highly effective and tolerable solution for clearing melasma. The Neo uses a 650-microsecond laser energy to penetrate deep into the epidermis and dermis, breaking up melanin deposits while simultaneously reducing inflammation and shutting down vasculature. This safe and effective treatment offers minimal risk of side effects compared to traditional topical or device treatments for melasma.

Management of melasma can be challenging and, with topical agents, may require long-term treatment. Furthermore, the Neo can help patients achieve clearance with fewer treatments than traditional methods. Each treatment typically lasts between 15-20 minutes and is safe for all skin types without the need for skin cooling, anesthetics, or even touching the skin.


Safe for all skin type and with zero downtime and zero hassle, NeoSkin by Aerolase is a time-efficient and effective solution for treating melasma and hyperpigmentation.


Hyperpigmentation forms in the skin when there is an overproduction of melanin.

Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes, located in the epidermis, the top layer of the skin. When these melanocytes are activated, they produce more melanin, which can lead to the formation of dark spots or uneven skin tone.

Several factors can cause the activation of melanocytes and the overproduction of melanin, including:

Hyperpigmentation can take on many forms and can be caused by a variety of factors. Some of the types of hyperpigmentation that can be treated include:

  • Melasma: Melasma is characterized by dark, symmetrical patches on the face, typically on the forehead, cheeks, upper lip, and chin. Hormonal changes, sun exposure, and genetics often cause it.
  • Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH): PIH is caused by inflammation or injury to the skin, such as acne, eczema, or a burn. It results in dark patches or spots on the skin.
  • Solar Lentigines: Also known as age spots or liver spots, solar lentigines are caused by sun exposure and are typically found on areas of the skin that are frequently exposed to the sun, such as the face, hands, and arms.
  • Acne Scars: Acne scars can also result in hyperpigmentation, particularly in individuals with darker skin tones.
  • Freckles: Freckles are small, flat, reddish-brown or tan spots that are caused by sun exposure.

Melasma, often referred to as the “pregnancy mask,” is more widely known as a pigmentation disorder that has a profound effect on the quality of life for those with the affliction

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See how after using the Aerolase Neo Skin the skin color has improved drastically.

why choose Bare Fruit?

Hello Bare Fruit Friends!
We understand that everyone’s skin is unique and requires individualized attention to properly treat any concerns or issues that may arise. Unlike other places that may offer factory-style treatments, we take the time to get to know our customers and their skin types before customizing a laser  treatment plan that will best suit their needs, if your skin can tolerate it, combinations therapy may be good for you as well. In addition to our extensive knowledge of esthetics and skin care, we were personally trained by the Aerolase Corporate Trainer, ensuring that we are up-to-date on all of the latest technologies and techniques. Thank you for considering us for your melasma/hyperpigmentation needs!

Small Business Diligence x A Love for The Work we Do = THE BEST! 



| $400 |

This Brightening Treatment includes Laser Treatment for Hyperpigmentation & Green Light Therapy 

40 mins


| $1200 |

Package of 3

Buy 4 Get 1 Free

| $1600 |

Buy 4 treatments and Receive 1 treatment free. 

Hyperpigmentation can appear due to genetic predisposition, sun exposure, and even hormones. These factors stimulate excess melanin creation in the skin, causing brown patches, spots, and melasma to appear.

Call for more information (516) 214 -7360

Get the FAQs | Hyperpigmentation & Melasma

Can it be used on dark skin?

Actually, the Neo Elite is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper- and/ or hypo-pigmentation. 

What causes melasma?

Melasma is a common skin discoloration on the face of women aged 20-50. Sunlight exposure is the leading cause, particularly for those with a genetic predisposition. It is most prevalent in pregnant women of Latin and Asian descents as well as those with olive or darker skin.

what should i expect after treatment?

Melasma causes dark patches on the skin that can take time to lighten or disappear. Results vary, but most people experience gradual lightening over several days or weeks as the body absorbs the pigmented area. Darkening of the pigmented area before lightening can occur. It’s important to keep the area moisturized if crusting or scabbing occurs to avoid scarring. With proper care and patience, melasma can improve over time.

Will the melasma come back?

Melasma symptoms can fluctuate over time, and laser treatment can help reduce pigmentation. However, recurrence may occur due to sun exposure, hormones, or genetics.

Realistic expectations

Melasma is a chronic medical condition that requires continuous management. Relapses aren’t rare due to contributing factors like genetics, hormonal balances, and prolonged exposure to sunlight. However, a diligent treatment plan and expert consultation can help manage symptoms and minimize outbreaks. Although it can’t be fully cured, those with melasma can lead fulfilling lives. Early detection and consistent treatment can make significant progress against the condition.

Does it hurt?

Aerolase technology offers virtually pain-free treatment with mild and tolerable heat sensation. Neo Elite’s MicroPulse-1064 technology sets a new standard even on darker skin types, without the need for gels or sprays to cool the skin, saving time, cost, and mess.

Mandatory Preparation for laser treatment on your face include:

First and foremost, it is recommended that you stop taking Accutane treatments at least six months prior to the appointment, in order to avoid any possible side effects or complications. It is also important to be aware of potential sensitivities that may arise from being exposed to the sun or using photosynthesizing drugs, so be sure to avoid these at least two weeks before your appointment.


Additionally, it is recommended to avoid harsh cosmetics and instead focus on using gentle skincare products in the days leading up to your appointment.

Most importantly, do not forget to apply sunscreen with at least SPF30 at least 24-48 hours before the treatment and address any inflammatory skin conditions that may be present with medication prior to your appointment. By taking these steps, you can help ensure the best possible outcome for your laser treatment.

What are the Pre-Care Instructions?

Before your procedure, it is important that you discontinue using any skincare products that contain retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or benzoyl peroxide, for at least a week. This includes any over-the-counter products you may be using. We want to ensure that your skin is in the best possible condition for the procedure.

If you have any history of cold sores, please inform us as soon as possible, as it could affect your appointment. We want to make sure that you are safe and comfortable during the procedure, and we may need to reschedule your appointment for the future.

We also request that you avoid sun exposure, spray tanning, or tanning bed use in the week leading up to your appointment. This will help to ensure that your skin is not overly sensitive or prone to irritation.

While it is not mandatory, we encourage you to come to your appointment without makeup, as it will be more convenient for you to have it removed before you arrive to the studio.

During the procedure, you can expect a mild warming sensation on your skin, as well as minimal redness, which should fade within a few hours. Most clients who have used other lasers have reported that our Aerolase procedure is gentler and more pleasant. We want to make sure that you have the most comfortable experience possible!

Is there any Post care for the Hyperpigmentation Laser Treatment?

To ensure the best results from your Aerolase treatment, it’s important to avoid using skincare products containing retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or scrubs on your face for at least 48-72 hours after the procedure. Your skin will be more sensitive to the sun after the treatment, so make sure to avoid direct sun exposure and use sunblock to protect your skin.

You should also stay hydrated post-treatment, as drinking plenty of water can help your skin heal faster and maintain a beautiful glow. Additionally, it’s important to avoid hot showers, saunas, and intense workouts for the first few days after your Aerolase treatment, as your skin needs time to heal, and heat can cause irritation.

Finally, if you have any doubts or questions about caring for your skin post-treatment, always consult with your skincare specialist. At Bare Fruit Sugaring, we’re always here to guide you through your skincare journey and ensure that you get the best results from your Aerolase treatment.

Do's and Dont's | What is the aftercare for Melasma Laser Treatment?

Am I Eligible for Hyperpigmentation and Melasma Treatment?

Aerolase Laser therapy is unique in that it has proven effective while also being non-invasive and safe:

Except those who:

How Many Treatments will I Need?

This can vary depending on the size density of melanin and depth of the affected area. Typically melasma will lighten or disappear completely after 3–5 treatments although in some cases more treatments may be necessary.

How Far Apart are the Treatment Sessions booked?

You should receive 1 treatment every one to two weeks