
When is the Best Time to Start Aerolase Laser Hair Removal?

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What does the Aerolase Laser do?

Aerolase Neo Elite is not just your ordinary laser system! This advanced medical laser goes beyond Laser Hair Removal, offering comprehensive skin rejuvenation. From tackling acne to addressing age spots and hair removal, it delivers remarkable results. It’s even safe for all skin types! Experience the power of this gentle yet effective technology, suitable for all skin tones without the need for additional skin cooling. Discover the future of skincare with Aerolase Neo Elite in our Westbury, Long Island Location.

How Does Aerolase Hair Removal Work?

Utilizing its innovative 650-microsecond technology, Aerolase Laser Hair Removal effectively targets hair follicles with a precise combination of heat and energy, ensuring their destruction while preserving the integrity of the surrounding skin. Renowned for its remarkable safety profile, Aerolase stands out as an exceptional choice for those with sensitive skin, eliminating the necessity for topical numbing agents or skin-cooling gel typically associated with conventional laser hair removal procedures.

Bikini with open back and Bare Fruit Logo

What Time of Year Works Best for Laser Hair removal?

One amazing advantage of the Aerolase Laser is its year-round safety, offering continuous skin care without interruption. This ensures that your skin health remains uncompromised EVEN during the summer season. Allowing you to maintain confidence and have peace of mind every day of the year. With Aerolase, you can seamlessly integrate your treatment into your summertime routines and confidently enjoy outdoor activities, including trips to the beach!

Summer Skincare Precautions

Experience seamless Laser Hair Removal with Aerolase on Long Island! Our treatment boasts zero downtime, ensuring a quick and gentle process without major redness, swelling, or skin peeling. Regardless of your skin tone, whether light, fair, or dark, you can enjoy the benefits without worrying about sun exposure. However, it's essential to take precautions to safeguard your skin. Regularly moisturizing keeps your skin hydrated and healthy, reducing the risk of sensitivity and enhancing laser treatment results. Especially during Long Island's sunny summers, don't forget sunscreen! Opt for a broad-spectrum formula with SPF 30 or higher, reapplying every two hours for optimal protection against harmful UV rays. Trust Aerolase for effective laser hair removal without the hassle!

Glowing Summer Leg

About Us

Photos from the three Long Island locations of Bare Fruit Sugaring salons: Welcome Bare Fruit Friend!

Bare Fruit Sugaring & Brow Studio focuses on uncomplicated beauty treatments that are low maintenance and customized just for you. Our services include sugaring, brow design, and skin care.